by Evie Ivy
The most beautiful star in the sky,
the brightest of all. The “morning star,”
the ancients stared up to. Finally,
named after Venus, goddess of
beauty and love. Hot, with a small
part of cloudy cool. With deadly spews,
the worst of rain, on volcanic skin.
The temperament of a hell
no one can take. Though there’s turmoil
in her veins, see her from afar
in the sky, call her “evening’s light.”
Venus, the most beautiful star.
EVIE IVY (, is a dancer/instructor/poet in the NYC poetry circuit, and the host of the long-running Green Pavilion Poetry Event in Brooklyn. She has produced the Dance of the Word events that include poetry, dance, and music in praise of holidays and seasons. Her last three poetry books are, Living in 12-Tone, … and other poetic forms, and No, No Nonets … the Book of Nonets. Her latest book, The Platinum Moon (Dark Light Publishing), is available from Amazon. Evie enjoys artwork, and some of her drawings have illustrated poems in journals throughout the years.