Bernadette Mayer and Anne Waldman, Boulder, Colo, 1985.
by Bernadette Mayer and Philip Good
Anne might Waldman irony wrote splashing
about modern not intimate stopping by the dandelion
listing snowing women winnowing poets willows
mowing words. 17 pages reacting closely slithering
one bluejay idea end-words into grass another
never oyster ever wanting to not new
progress you me filling dimmer silhouetting empty
fairgrounds space scrabble with may I verb
speaking degausser sexy color points
paying physiology tribute to the interim
female violet voice of peace the rise
rest and yellow the blue, the big blue
struggle the herbal blade never harbinger
giving strawberry up recalling raspberry
what was once contemporary popped now
knowing here how there seeing rests
unchanged the sea city red to blue yellow
be confused rose the corn exact harvest
for the love of beautiful scarves
Anne Waldman wrote about not stopping
listing women poets making words, words
reacting reaction one idea into another
never ever wanting to not progress
filling in empty space with verbs
speaking sexy talking points
paying tribute to the female voice
the rise and the fall, the big struggle
not giving up never giving up
recalling what was once contemporary
now knowing how seeing was changed
not to be confused with exact change
for the love of colorful scarves

Philip Good’s most recent chapbook, Poets In A Box or Pluto In Motion can be read online here He currently lives next to the Poetry State Forest.
Bernadette Mayer ( is the author of over 27 collections, including, most recently Memory, available from Siglio Press; Works and Days; Eating The Colors Of A Lineup Of Words: The Early Books of Bernadette Mayer; and The Helens of Troy, as well as countless chapbooks and artist-books. She has received grants from The Guggenheim Foundation, Creative Capital, National Endowment for the Arts, and the Foundation for Contemporary Arts. She is also the recipient of the 2014 Shelley Memorial Award from the Poetry Society of America. From 1980-1984, she served as the director of the St. Mark’s Poetry Project. She has also edited and founded 0 to 9 journal and United Artists books and magazines. She has taught at the New School for Social Research, Naropa University, Long Island University, The College of Saint Rose, Miami University, and at University of Pennsylvania as a Kelly Writers House Fellow. Her influence in the contemporary avant-garde is felt widely.