Two Dollahs

(towel, spray bottle, squeegee, washing car windows as cars are forced to stop at light. actor mimes wildly. supplemented by video. traffic sounds. video on then shuts off. Judah eats from mcdonalds bag.)
wake up in the morning. eggs coffee. coffee eggs. eggs.
Philippines. 7,000 islands. one of our dollars 253 of theirs. 253 to one. live there 10 dollars a day. rent a house four bedrooms, two-and-a-half baths, 350 a month.
(pulls out cellphone)
if you want to know someone there correspond with someone there verify the picture. call them up tap tap call them up. visual recognition facial recognition ask them questions. tap tap. same as a meeting in the flesh same as meeting in the skin, bone and bone and bone an’ music of one individual another individual. same as the meeting right here one heated biology and another heated biology.
i ask her questions. honey. sweetheart. what’s it like today. clear and sunny gray day icky high humidity day is it rain chilly/need a coat? sweater? something. hear their music. listen to their music. here. there. rub dub dub. check out the weather report on the screen. is it the same. does it match. what they say what she says. does it match the weather called up on this screen. check it. check it out./
Philippines, that’s the place. moto scoot the island. moto scoot off the island. moto scoot onto a go-to, onto a floating go-to the flat wooden boat/moto scoot down a ramp onto the go-to boat. float onto island number any number 1 to 7,000. float out to an island right there. see the hump of earth hump of rock putt putt then you’re there. any Philippine island. Ahh. Ahh. Shangri La.
i tell her hold up your phone let the picture breath show me where you are dear honey pie. have the camera turn full panorama. will yah. sweet honey pie. show me where’s the sky clouds where’s the water where’s the house in which you live. show me. show me where you at.
(using squeegee and cloth. washing and polishing.)
same thing, exact same thing. look through your window window-shield/ tap tap/window-shield of the car. look through that phone windoh screen. we’re here. we are here. everywhere. ev/ery/where. you and me and you altogether all together. now.
flow. it’s all a flow. here to there. there. putt putt. she’s a nurse see her on my screen wow 5 feet 1. see her. my screen kinda small can you see her. there. wow. we’re all there. everyone in the world right here. she dressed in white. is it light white right. she dressed in blue/green blue/turquoise blue. greeny blue. bluey. round and soft. look at those eyes. huh. what a warm and friendly love anybody once she once she. love anybody. those lovely brown deep brown eyes wanting to love any/bod/y.
two dollars from you would help my blessed day. two dollars from you would help my blessed day. two dollahs.
DENNIS MORITZ (playwright/director/producer) writes a lot of plays. His work appears on mainstage and in improvised spaces. Producers include the Public, Painted Bride, Freedom Theater, Nuyorican Poets Cafe, St. Mark’s, Bowery Poetry Club, Sticky, Theater Double, N1, Theatre Ariel, HERE, Boog. He prefers to work in bars and art galleries. His scripts have been published in theater magazines and poetry magazines. Angel Hair/United Artists, the longtime poetry press, published two collections of his theater works, the only plays in their catalogue.
Moritz grew up on the Lower East Side of New York, where he absorbed quick change rhythms and visuals. He feels at home with the intense personalities of that neighborhood. Interior breakdowns and vulnerability contrast to an aggressive exterior, a duality that informs many of his plays.
Two Dollahs premiered as part of Love Luv at the Welcome to Boog City 14 Arts Festival in the fall of 2020. Director/writer: Dennis Moritz. Judah performed by Will Rittwege. The film SQUAT.was co-directed by Robert Craig Baum aka RCB & Dennis Moritz. #Theatre4aNewNormal