Boog City’s Poetry Talk Talk Series
as a Bookends event at this year’s
Brooklyn Book Festival
Todd Colby
Joanna Penn Cooper
reading and in conversation with one another
with music from
Todd and guitarist Nick Didkovsky
Fri. Sept. 29, 6:30 p.m.
Young Ethel’s
506 5th Ave.
Park Slope, Brooklyn
The event will also be streamed on our Boog City group page on Facebook and archived shortly thereafter on our YouTube page.
TODD COLBY ( Instagram: @toddjcolby) is a Brooklyn-based poet and artist. Colby is the author of six books of poetry. His most recent book, Splash State, was published by The Song Cave. His writing and art have recently appeared in The Believer, Bomb Magazine, The Brooklyn Rail, Denver Quarterly, Dizzy Magazine, Hyperallergic, and Poetry Magazine. Tara G photo.
Poet, essayist, and artist JOANNA PENN COOPER ( is the author of The Itinerant Girl’s Guide to Self-Hypnosis (Brooklyn Arts Press), What Is a Domicile (Noctuary Press), and Crown (Ravenna Press). She is also the author of the recent chapbooks When We Were Fearsome and Wild Apples from Ethel Zine & Micro-Press. Her work has appeared in the Academy of American Poets Poem-a-Day feature, as well as South Dakota Review, Zócalo Public Square, the tiny, Posit, and other journals. With Jessica Mesman, she writes about art, film, culture, and melancholy moms here. She lives in Durham, N.C. Lis Tyroler Photography.
NICK DIDKOVSKY ( is a guitarist, composer, and software programmer. In 1983, he founded the avant-rock septet Doctor Nerve, and more recently, the metal band Vomit Fist. He presently resides in New York City, where he composes for a variety of ensembles, improvises with lots of cool musicians, creates music software, and teaches computer music composition at New York University. He the primary developer of the computer music language Java Music Specification Language (JMSL), which is used by composers world- wide. His compositions and guitar work appear on over 50 records. Album credits include Alice Cooper “Paranormal” (2017). His Punos Music record label serves up his more extreme musical projects.
BOOG CITY ( is a New York-based small press and online newspaper now in its 32nd year. It curates multiple performance series throughout New York City, as well as the biannual Welcome to Boog City Arts Festival, a multi-day event that takes place each September and, for the past 10 years, Presidents Day Weekend, too. The Welcome to Boog City 17 Arts Festival, the 27th overall festival, will take place at a host of Brooklyn, N.Y. venues this September.