The Boog City Interview,Joanna Penn CooperInterview by Todd ColbyPoet-artists Todd Colby and Joanna Penn Cooper have been friends and poetry collaborators since meeting at a Williamsburg reading Todd gave in...
Track 28, 2:45 pm The instruction manual was etched in glass and made a sound like a mouse or a dreaming woman making small squeaks in her sleep when you...
Kavanaugh, 2018, comic/pen on paper. Kavanaugh, 2018, comic/pen on paper. Kavanaugh, 2018, comic/pen on paper. George C. Scott, 2019, comic/pen on paper. Face Study, 2020, watercolor pencil on paper. Self-Portrait,...
Excerpt from A Place in the Sun Everybody loves Lewis, but he’s not been given his due. I’ve just reread A Place In the Sun. I enjoyed it before and I...
Excerpt from A Place In the SunEverybody loves Lewis, but he’s not been given his due. I’ve just reread A Place In the Sun. I enjoyed it before and I enjoyed it...
For You, Lewisit was the last day of taking your class and the last time I saw youi remember your offering the night you brought a bottle of wineto commemorate...
Writing Circles When I enrolled for his ’97 workshop, Marcella Durand told me with a smile that Lewis truly connects with his students.[su_pullquote align="right" class=“”]Lewis questions every letter in my...
In Appreciation of Lewis Warsh (On the basis of a work sample Lewis admitted me to the edit The World workshop in the early 1990s. A poet who writes plays,...
From My East Village8. Utopia Redux And now I come to Lewis Warshand Bernadette Mayer, who I metin Boulder, Colorado, at the then Naropa Institute, where they were leadingworkshops, June of ’78. I blended...