Who's Performing and How and When to Watch Sunday February 19 Young Ethel's 506 5th Ave. Park Slope, Brooklyn Directions: F, G, R to 4th Ave./9th St. Venue...
Who's Performing and How and When to Watch Live and In-Person atFreddy’s Bar and Backroom627 5th Ave. South Slope, Brooklyn Directions: R to Prospect AvenueVenue is between 17th and 18th...
by David A. KirschenbaumThese are all the poems in the order I read them during my first feature reading at the Poetry Project at St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery on Mon. May...
Review by Al FilreisDead WinterMatvei YankelevichFonograf Editions Matvei Yankelevich, poet, translator, teacher, editor, and co-founder of Ugly Duckling Presse, has been composing an ongoing series of winter poems. I was...
Issue 151, 2022 editor/publisherDavid A. Kirschenbaumeditor@boogcity.com poetry editorJohn Mulrooneypoetry@boogcity.com counselIan S. Wildercounsel@boogcity.com Paper is copyright Boog City, all rights revert to contributors upon publication. Boog City is published periodically....
Anselm BerriganMASTHEAD FEATURES ANSELM BERRIGANAnselm Berrigan, Poem written just before turning fifty Tom Devaney, Printed Matter / Pregrets, He Has a Few to Mention: Anselm Berrigan's WayfindingElinor Nauen, The Boog City Interview /...
After seven months of putting out instant issues of our zine ManAlive!, or MA!, Boog launched an instantzine, JiffyBoog. I still remember in this time before email being prevalent, having...
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="681"] Bill Russell[/caption] Poem written just before turning fifty Mickey Mantle didn't believe he'd make it to fifty, a book told me. David told me...
by Olena JenningsOlga was performing at the Stray Dog Cabaret in the basement of building No. 5 St. Michael’s Square, not far from Nevsky Prospect. Anna was going to the...
In a History of Half-Light In all these measures, in the fields, across the treetops, into the crag and bluster, the muscled-in, the go-without, it goes without saying, and this...