You, lover
Are like my skin, go with me wherever I’m in
When my heart beats, the sound it makes
Is your name, breathless with ache
And anticipation of things to begin
O how I long to breathe in your sin
Your eyes smile as we lay
Universes a breath away
The rise of your chest
Solid beneath my finger tips
Moments captured can’t be repeated
Memories between us imprinted
Legs knotted as we whisper
Dreams of things we see
Warmth of your hand cupping my hip
Stays with me long after we’ve left covers behind
Not even dark corners matter when you’re this near
O how I long to breathe in your sin
Whispers against your ear
Words flirting – mean everything in the warmth of dented pillow
Sweet alchemy kept in the seams of our skin
Intertwined fingers of believers
How sweet the taste of whispered words cherished
Sweet Alchemy
Warmth of limbs
Feel of your skin
Bodies twisted to fit in
Every space between us
No room left – not even for promises
O lover, how I long to breathe in your sin
You are like my skin, go with me wherever I’m in
Breathless with ache and anticipation of things to begin
How sweet this alchemy
Each time new in its memory
A sweet whisper
Hello, lover
Susan Justiniano (, first Puerto Rican and woman poet laureate of Jersey City, N.J., found her performance voice in Jersey City. In 2006 RescuePoetix emerged as a business entity. In addition to being a published and performing poet, RescuePoetix has recorded over 50 original poems to music, in English and Spanish, and harnesses the ability to gather resources across the world into projects that impact without barriers.
Serving on nonprofit boards since 2016, she is on In Full Color: Empowering Women of Color through Education and Arts, Word Seed Inc (VP), and committees for various arts organizations throughout northern New Jersey. Mike DiFeo Photography photo.