Who’s Performing and How and When to Watch Hi, On Mon., Feb. 15, at 12:00 p.m., we’ll be celebrating our annual Presidents’ Day event, the Welcome to Boog City 14.5 Arts Festival: Poetry, Music, Theater, and Film. We will livestream the goings-on to https://twitter.com/boogcity https://www.facebook.com/groups/115605743040 And it will be available online in full the next day […]

‘Anne Constellated Me Into Existence’
Lisa Jarnot and Anne Waldman in Boulder, Colo., circa 1999. by Lisa Jarnot have a postcard somewhere that Anne sent me around 1996. I was no doubt caught up in a messy romantic drama and in need of the mantra that arrived that day in her flowing luminous script: “You are not a wounded animal!” […]

‘In the spirit of all/we can’t see’
Alystyre Julian, Outrider film by Eleni Sikelianos e’re eating steaks in the dusk in a grove of aspen trees. We’ve cooked them in a frying pan over the fire. We’ve hauled all our things through the dry high grasses—tents, pillows, sleeping bags, blankets, ice cooler, wine, these steaks, and the frying pan we cooked them in. […]
(for the Rizoma, Mexico City & New York)
by Lucia Hinojosa Gaxiola Emancipation is a work in progress how long how long?the travel to the Kali Yugawill anyone notice? thisignorance, kleshas what we’ve created karma of this world age our matrix needs to be strongerthe […]
A Conversation Between Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Darth Vader
By John J. TrauseIn John Trause’s A Conversation Between Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Darth Vader, a great judge and an intergalactic villain discuss women’s rights and terrestrial laws. See it performed live on Sun. Dec. 20 as part of the Boog Poets Theater event at Welcome to Boog City 14 Arts Festival. Go to https://twitter.com/boogcity, https://www.facebook.com/groups/115605743040, or https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGD_RIKdy7P9fdpIugMgoLg/live. […]
A House of Cards
by Claire Taylor The back of Robert Veach’s 1915 Cracker Jack card is printed upside down. Maybe all the 1915 Cracker Jack cards were printed that way. I don’t know, and I don’t care. Imagine being a kid in 1915. It’s a hot summer day and—what luck!—your pop finally brings you along with him to […]
About Boog
Now in its 30th year, Boog City is a small press and community newspaper of the same name. It has put out over 300 publications, including 35 volumes of poetry, various zines, and a newspaper, featuring work by Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Bernadette Mayer, and Eileen Myles among others, and theme issues on baseball, women’s […]
All I Want to Do Today
by Josh Lefkowitz is admire the swath of grey clouds in the skyalong with the pink daubed in behind them. It’s been a little while, Lord, but let no one sayyou’ve lost your touch at delivering staggering beauty in the clutch. You’ve still got the goods, and in thanksI promise to remind a few folks of […]

All Praise Fast Speaking Women!
Fast Speaking Woman by Anne Waldman City Lights Books, 1975 by Bob Holman WARNING! This is a Sacred Text. Cannot “review” Fast Speaking Woman (FSW)!Cannot pick bone apart, only sound spirit.This is a Book of Chants.Ten chants, to be exact.(Including final chant/poem which is a lullaby,“& Sleep, Lazy Owl of Night.”) I speak to Original […]
Aly Pierce
Hubble Captures the Ghost of Cassiopeia Here the queen is seen with her hair piled high, frosty blue wisps pinned together, her robes pooling on the sky-floor, swirled around the seat of her throne. Her cheeks hold a blush of laugher, her skin pricked with rose gold jewels. She looks flawless underneath Polaris, her […]
Amanda Cook
Maximus, at Tyre and at Boston Honor?It is October. The sunflowers have dropped their seeds.It is the season of husks, of harvest.We are getting ready for a dark time. 1 I am change averse.Averse to change. But it is not my decision.What we do, what is done around us.What is done to us.The world is changing. The world […]
An Excerpt from the Novel Pollyanna Goes to Hell
by Janie Heath nother day, Autumn 1977 Here comes the Student Punkette. Here limps the Student Punkette, actually. On my block. Uniformed in motorcycle jacket, leather mini, animal print fuck-me shoes with gold spikes. “I’m limping ‘cause I just got fucked all night by Gator.” The Student Punkette laughs a couple of jovial hucks. Gator […]
An Expansive Field of Apprentices
by Kristin Prevallet This video presents my poem/performance of “Cruelty and Conquest (OilOilOil),” which was one of many poetic interventions into the GBII years and the War on Iraq. This poem and my subsequent performance of it at Naropa University in 2006, is presented here with gratitude to Anne Waldman for the many years […]
And What Of This….
by Prince A. McNally And what of this, temporal realm of existence we call life. What of this humanity, this entity of earth. What of the skies, the oceans, […]

Anne at 20
Bill Berkson, Anne Waldman, Lewis Warsh, Westhampton, N.Y., fall 1968. Joe Brainard photo. by Lewis Warsh e met at the Berkeley Poetry Conference, summer of 1965. Robert Duncan’s reading. Anne was visiting her high-school friend Jonathan Cott, I was with my friend Michael Bernsohn, who knew Jonathan when they were both at Columbia. They introduced […]

Anne at 49
by Karin Kaminker In April 1994, I had the pleasure and honor to throw an informal party for Anne Waldman at my home outside of Vienna, Austria, to celebrate her birthday. This happy event took place one evening during the 1994 spring academy of the Vienna Poetry School (Schüle für Dichtung in Wien -Sfd), at which […]

Anne Waldman
Alystyre Julian, Outrider film by Thurston Moore efore I had ever met Anne I had written a poem “Anne Waldman,” which was simply her name repeatedly text-chanted creating a free gesture visio-verbio page. It was the beginning of the century, 2001, in Northampton, Massachusetts. Byron Coley and I were presenting poetry readings at our […]
Anne Waldman
by Ruth Lepson It’s one of those odd things, when you feel that you know someone so well Anne came to my poetry course at The New England Conservatory a few years back. Her energy bowled us over; this from students who themselves have enormous energy. Some of us took her to lunch afterwards and […]
Anne Waldman
I was an M.F.A. student at the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa Institute circa 1994. The second year was very difficult, and I struggled to come up with a thesis and a build a coherent manuscript. Then my thesis advisor refused to work with me. Anne Waldman was my angel and agreed […]

Anne Waldman 75!
by Patricia Spears Jones Anne Waldman makes me think of mothers. Mothers of poets. Her mother often came by the Poetry Project when I was working there. She was stylish in a traditional sort of way, but oh not her mind. Not traditional. And yet grounded. That too is Anne, but she is traditional, or […]

Anne Waldman Is Our Bard
by Meredith Monk Anne Waldman is our bard, our Cassandra and fearless warrior who tells the unvarnished truth as she weaves the earth plane with the celestial, the particular with the universal, her visions of past, present, and future. I have known her since I came to New York in the 1960s and our lives […]

Anne Waldman with Ammiel Alcalay: Questions for Citizens
Under Rubric of Investigative Poetry: that poetry should again assume responsibility for the description of history (Ed Sanders) A series of random questions for citizens and poet-citizens When was the Federal reserve created, and by whom?Who was second in command to Jefferson Davis& considered the brains of the Confederacy?What was the primary material factor […]

Anne Waldman: Child of Illusion
bewildermenton verge oflanguage burstsinto heliocentricity “I’m with you in Rockland”D train to Coneypoetry’s screed agirl heart tattoo glutof death’s heads now glints in sunhand gun?when despair no longer erasessensibilityink from the T’ang dynastywill re-appear mixed with water from anauspiciouswell. photo by Natalia Gaia

Anne Waldman: for Patti Smith
“In the Dark Times will there also be singing?Yes, there will be singing about the Dark Times”–Bertolt Brecht (1939) holy tenderness at spooky distance recalcitrant world looks up the word chaos in Chaldean meant “without a library”intersecting your oikos pleas of a household, green ethics attractor oracles, exile metabolismwisdom of centuries, […]

Anne Waldman: In the Salon of Cultures
Cairo tonguing out or Venice Santa Maria del Soccorso turbulent skies 1939 her wordcame out walking in a djellaba to hide a body what century hold battle to tip a point a Spanish flu a viper tongue in lockdown? plague in the house/ pox on the white houses! Helsinki: hint of […]

Anne Waldman: Nocturne
Devin Brahja Waldman, Janice Lowe, Anne Waldman, Levy Gorvy Gallery, NYC 2018. Alystyre Julian, Outrider film then there exists a magnetic stellar blacknessa carnivorous oasis of blacknesswhere the suns derive their power from obscurity- Will Alexander night here and demonsone arrow for every thoughtfloats throughthis one is demon impermanence this one seductiondark angel still in […]

Anne Waldman: Screed for Entheogen
It all begins with a vibration. An imperceptible movement that accelerates minute by minutes. Wind, along screeching whistle, a lashing hurricane, a torrent of faces, forms, line. Everything falling, rushing forward, ascending, disappearing, reappearing. A dizzying evaporation and condensation. Bubbles, more bubbles, pebbles, little stones. Rocky cliffs of gas. Lines that cross, rivers meeting, […]

Anne Waldman: Shadow Behind Eclipse
for John Ashbery When he died, a temperature went downTrees in the sky above Flatirons, tremor thereOh didn’t, then did See?We were driving in the canyon moons ago when he had said then “closing in”Fool for this loveHe was our drumming ritual if you were a […]

Anne Waldman: Steve’s Sanctuary
for Steve Cannon How you’d enter like Tiresias Prophet for the “coming community” What do you say, see in interior eye, right there: moment’s breathing How you enter poetry zones, sweet charge you take And make welcome all, strays, devils too And in your walk a gait for everyone who struggles Where we might […]

Anne Waldman: The Marabout Smiles
for John Giorno, 1936-2019 silence at the wallssea wallshow clear today straits of Gibraltar& watch friends leave and returnit is a fluid systemwe are together in Tangier, blessingswith vision in a poetry bubble over the waterend of time?did they- your friends – self-realize magic?wisdom’s pactwhat’s the transmission?did we get there yet?which bardo […]
Anything You Want
by Leslie Pietrzyk You really hammer down the nail, my boyfriend says the second he swipes shut this phone call. Thank you? Not a compliment, he says. I arrange a hurt, pouty look on my face, a look that does okay with ticket-threatening male cops. I say, What are we talking about here? He pushes […]
Baseball Editorial
When David asked me to guest edit a special section of baseball literature for an upcoming issue, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. This offer came well before our current reality crystalized—before masks, an entire spring and part of summer without sports, before I started waking up in the middle of […]

Being Anne Waldman
Emma Gomis and Anne Waldman. by Emma Gomis nne Waldman once appeared in my dream as a beautiful dark bird-like angel. Her black hair, scarves, and sleeves of her garments billowing as she swayed, floating above a rippling pool of water below her. Anne moves like this, like water, flowing from one space to the […]
Birthday Acrostic for Anne Waldman
by Sean Cole Any day married is like two on your own. Long month. Marchneeded a wife, hence April from its rib. Anyone would never pick a bone over eating in bed with their ownEve. Many anybodies don’t top a onesome consort. Was that redundant? “Onesome consort?” Very well. Any two words said together mean the same […]
Birthday Dirge
by José Angel Araguz August 2017 This is a story about a walk on the beach on my birthday. As I walked and looked over the Pacific, I hated myself. I hated myself and hated the ocean, the water turning on itself. I could only think of how the water in Corpus Christi turned over […]

Birthday Salute to Anne Waldman
Edward Sanders and Anne Waldman in Woodstock, N.Y. Lucía Hinojosa Gaxiola photo. by Edward Sanders I guess I met Anne about 1965when she brought Angel Hair booksinto the Peace Eye Bookstore. A year or so later, when I wasan official record producer for RepriseRecords, she came to Miriam’s and my apartmenton Avenue A & 12th […]
Blake Baby for Life: John Strohm Looks Back on His Band’s Heyday
byJohn P. Strohm I guess we’re all more or less wired to apply a soft-focus filter to our memories to dwell on the joy and filter out all the anxiety, stress, anguish, and crushing boredom of the actual experience. My memories of touring with Blake Babies during our busiest stretch in 1990-91 are mostly happy […]
Boog City 137: The Baseball Issue
“The Luckiest Man” by Graig Kreindler Baseball Editorial by Sandra Marchetti POETRY Helen R Broom, “The Reward of a Functioning Society” Patrick Dubuque, “Thoughts on Daniel Bard’s Slider” Jason Koo, “How to Watch Your Team Lose Game Seven of the World Series” and “Bon Chul Koo and the Hall of Fame” Michael Lauchlan, “Muscle Memory” […]
Boog City 138
WBC14 Logo by Daisy Wake ART Jim Behrle, The Poetry World is Watching Greg Fuchs, “Unguided Tour” Daniel Kolm, featured artist FICTION Carl Watson, Excerpt from the Novel Only Descend MUSIC Jonathan Berger on Major Matt Mason USA Toby Goodshank and Angela Carlucci in conversation Eric Shaw on Todd Carlstrom PLAY John Trause, A […]
Boog City Ad Rates
BannerW-970 px H-250 px$300 SidebarW-250 px H-250 px$125 Double SidebarW-250 px H-500 px$200 Bottom BannerW-970 px H-250 px$225 BOOG CITY 138 Welcome to Boog City 14 Festival Program Tues. Nov. 24———–Ad due and PayPal or Venmo payment made Tues. Dec. 8————-Issue to be uploaded 2021 BOOG CITY 139 Welcome to Boog City 14.5 Festival […]
Boog City Classic Albums Live: Blake Babies Tribute Show, 2010, Earwig at 21, Sunburn at 20
Below are the links to Boog City’s Classic Albums Live Blake Babies tribute show from 2010. The first link is to readings of poetry by the band’s namesake, William Blake, and the poet who named them, Allen Ginsberg. The second link is to a live performance of their first full-length LP, Earwig. The third link is […]
Booglit 3: Women We Need, March 1997
Now available for the first time since its only printing of 100 copies in March 1997, it’s Booglit 3 Women We Need Here’s my editor’s note from the issue: The idea of publishing an all women’s issue during women’s history month smacks of being gimmicky even to me, though no more so than […]
Booglit 4: The Baseball Issue, April 1997
Now available for the first time since its only printing of 100 copies in April 1997, its Booglit 4 our first ever baseball issue. Featuring: •Beat Happening: Allen Ginsberg remembered, reported by Wanda Phipps, with reactions from Anne Waldman • Amiri Baraka • Harold Goldberg • Ed Friedman • Hal Willner Michael Rothenberg […]
Brendan Lorber: Featured Artist
Artist’s Statement My visual art investigates intersections between the seen and heard, and the past’s implications for the future. It derives energy from the hidden overlaps of public, private, and secret spheres. For years I’ve documented participants at literary events, capturing ephemeral moments with images and text. Most recently I’ve used the visual vocabulary of […]

Poets House, circa 2017. Anne Waldman makes me think of mothers. Mothers of poets. Her mother often came by the Poetry Project when I was working there. She was stylish in a traditional sort of way, but oh not her mind. Not traditional. And yet grounded. That too is Anne, but she is traditional, […]
Buck on Baseball
by Aaron Williams As part of a new literary public art project named the St. Louis Poetry Slab, permanently engraved concrete poems will appear on public sidewalks throughout the Greater St. Louis bi-state area. The poem “Buck on Baseball” is proposed for installation across from Baseball Hall of Fame announcer Jack Buck’s statue at Busch […]

Celestial Bodies Abound in Dorit’s ‘Satellite’
by Jonathan Berger Dorit, “Satellite” ait… hold it. Yeah, stop the clock at 1:21 and you’ll find a still in Dorit’s lyric video where the words in the center of the screen read “one ticket to paradise” but the image is of a beach with some semitic island beauty, seemingly twirling, careless to the […]
CF Ivy
by S. Preston CF Ivy is the second sketch print of Wrigley I created in a series of ballpark prints that focus on the most famous and memorable aspects of the ballparks around the country. I love this form of minimalism in that you need to be a fan of the team to really understand […]
Charles in Charge: Olson’s Poetry in Sanders’ Historical Reality
by Bill Considine A Life of Olson By Ed Sanders Spuyten Duyvil A Life of Olson, the latest book by Ed Sanders, is beautiful in many ways. Its varied color illustrations suggest an illuminated manuscript, perhaps the life of a saint. Charles Olson may not have been a saint, but his life was one of […]
Christina Beasley
The Swallows Told to bear all kinds of hurt,I gulped the whole bird down. Fluttering inside, a fearful animal become me. Its dread still flit feather, I hope the flock ends here: rafters of rib too far apart to roost. I breathe in this anxious […]
SIN QUIENES by Urayoán Noel Primer. Primer Interior interior. fresco. Mar no vital Fresco mar, ¿no? Vital sauce. Taller solar cultivar. sauce. Taller solar. Cultivar. Do come. ¿Do come? Paces. Paces. Habitable Habitable arena. Transversal arena transversal. me. He. Tornado. Revolver. Me he tornado (revolver) Terror. terror. Rival? ¿Rival? No. Red […]
CJ Edwards, Chicago Cubs
by Jon Teegarden JON TEEGARDEN is an illustrator from Peoria, Ill. He has also been a baseball fan (Go Cubs!) since he was a small child when his grandpa brought him to a ballgame. Teegarden has been doing freelance artwork and graphic design since 2008, and worked as a technical illustrator from 2019-2020. When he’s […]
by Richard Moriarty Nate returns to the field with a bucket of baseballs after everyone else has left. He waited in his truck for an hour, reading Harvey Dorfman’s The Mental ABCs of Pitching until every other car left the parking lot. He sets the bucket down beside the pitcher’s mound, takes out a ball, […]
Coming Back to Wrigley
by Danny Rockett https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2P2hO17uHoo&feature=youtu.be Artist DANNY ROCKETT is a musician, composer, podcaster, tv host, actor, and sound designer. His current work can be heard on his Youtube channel, with his current band Bleacher Bum Band, and also with the avant garde Trapdoor Theatre. He is the host of The Son Ranto Show Cubs Podcast and Let Them Eat Cheesecake Golden Girls Pod. Danny’s music and acting […]
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da levy lives series
Levy Lives: Celebrating Renegade Presses

Dan Wilcox
Scott Smith, Anne, Michael Eck, QE2, Albany, N.Y. Oct. 7, 1989. Dan Wilcox photo. This represents a section from my work-in-progress “Opening the Mic: a Personal History of the Early Days of the Albany Poetry Scene” covering my move back to Albany in 1986 to when I started my blog in January 2007. The sources […]
Daniel Kolm
Artist’s Statement My work attempts to connect a relatively mundane everyday life in a simultaneously gentrifying and decaying NYC, with the entire human history of empire, violence, colonialism, and suffering. These wounds of history leave an impact that is hidden and obvious. Photographs taken on long walks around Queens and Brooklyn combine with drawings based […]
Danielle Legros Georges
Transubstantiation I made a deal with myself and went to Rometo buy a rosary. Being the good Catholic I am, I marriedritual and desire to see the Pope’s ruby slippers, the Vaticanarchives, the yellow bright road of redemption. What is salvationwithout original sin? Badness before being bad. When Michaelsang I’m bad,I’m bad, you know it, […]

Dear Anne
Alystyre Julian, Outrider film by Steven Taylor Steven Taylor (https://acerecords.co.uk/songs-of-innocence-of-experience-shewing-the-two-contrary-states-of-the-human-sou) collaborated on music and poetry works with Allen Ginsberg 1976-1996, and began playing with Anne Waldman in 1978. Since 1984 he has been a member of The Fugs. Earlier this year, Steven released a recording of WIlliam Blake’s Songs of Innocence and of Experience […]

Dearest Anne
Anne Waldman and Vincent Katz recording “Fantastic Caryatids” fall 2014. Alystyre Julian, Outrider film by Vincent Katz t the opening, at the gallery, at the poetry reading, at the concert, at the meeting for the avant-garde theater company, at yet another fantastic party at her place where everyone mingles in a way they couldn’t anywhere […]

Demon Feminism
Lucia Hinojosa Gaxiola photo. By Dorothy Friedman August Trickster FeminismBy Anne Waldman Penguin Books Anne Waldman’s voice is powerful, iconic, and revolutionary. Her words, like “talismans,” seek to “shake the cosmos.” I believe in crucible logic harassment and insubordination breaking through no regulation but performance he calls urgently for deeper inspection and introspection concerning traditional […]
Dim lights, bright memory
by Joe Gordon I was a lucky kid. My dad was an avid baseball fan and he passed that enthusiasm on to me at a very young age. I was named after his favorite baseball player: Hall of Famer Joe Gordon. He started giving me baseball cards when I was four or five years old. […]
DJ Artis Leads Off 3B vs. Beloit
by Todd Johnson TODD JOHNSON teaches U.S. history, geography, and world history and manages Cubs Central in his spare time. He mainly writes about the Cubs’ Minor League System, International Free Agency, and the MLB Draft. He also writes for Cubs Insider. His favorite aspect of the site is the baseball cards he makes using old frames […]

Don’t Call it a Comeback
FILM The Incoherents by Todd Conner ared Barel’s new indy film, The Incoherents, lovingly micro-brewed in New York City and best enjoyed straight from the bottle, is based on an original story and script by Jeff Auer. The film is the latest must-see, must-hear tale about New York rock-n-roll. It also manages to express something […]
To make a donation to Boog City: Please make donations via paypal.com to editor@boogcity.com. To contribute directly to the Naropa Print Shop Rebuild Fund: https://www.classy.org/give/237763#!/donation/checkout A couple important details: • In the dropdown menu choose: “Naropa Scholarship Fund” • And then in the “leave a comment” field please write “Summer Writing Program,” which will direct the […]
Donate to Naropa Print Shop
Thank you Anne Waldman bulletin board listings $7.50 for 75 characters, plus $0.10 for each additional characters. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Naropa Print Shop Rebuild Fund Naropa Print Shop Rebuild Fund directly https://www.classy.org/give/237763#!/donation/checkout A couple important details: • In the dropdown menu choose: “Naropa Scholarship Fund” • And […]
Double Feature
Tune in to Antifolk Siblings Toby Goodshankand Angela Carlucci Toby Goodshank and Angela Carlucci are two of the most talented folks around in oh so many ways—art, baking, music—and so damn sweet. Toby’s been a member of The Moldy Peaches, The Tri-Lambs, and The Christian Pirate Puppets, Angela’s been in The Baby Skins, Little Cobweb, […]

In putting together this feature on our teacher and friend Anne Waldman, I would mention to potential contributors that in my editorial budget I had slugged the description of what I was looking for from everyone as “My Anne.” What came to mind when you thought of Anne Waldman and her impact upon your life. […]
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