“The Luckiest Man” by Graig Kreindler
Baseball Editorial by Sandra Marchetti
Helen R Broom, “The Reward of a Functioning Society” |
Patrick Dubuque, “Thoughts on Daniel Bard’s Slider” |
Jason Koo, “How to Watch Your Team Lose Game Seven of the World Series” and “Bon Chul Koo and the Hall of Fame” |
Michael Lauchlan, “Muscle Memory” |
Josh Lefkowitz, “All I Want to Do Today” |
Marjorie Maddox, “The Called Shot” |
Jeremy Nathan Marks, “Out” |
E. Ethelbert Miller, “The Called Third Strike” |
Matthew Murrey, “Marianne Moore Throws Out the First Pitch” |
Jason O’Toole, “Summer League” |
Bill Rector, “What the stars heard” and “America’s game” |
Laura Rosenthal, “Pac Bell Park 2001” |
Steven Sher, “The Pitching Prodigy of Glenwood Park” |
Vivian Wagner, “March” |
Viola Weinberg, “Wind Up” |
Elan Barnehama, “Home Team”
Bill Cushing, “The Captain, Baseball and Me”
Aaron Fischman, “Tony Barnette Leaves Tokyo on Top”
Andrew Forbes, “The Grandyman Could”
Timothy Gager, “The New Coach”
Joe Gordon, “Dim lights, bright memory”
Terry Kirts, “Five Considerations of Bucky Dent (No Shirt)”
Art Lasky, “Remembering the Babe’s First Career”
Brian Mihok, “May the 4th Be With You”
Frank C Modica, “Second”
Frank Morelli, “The Trouble With Triples”
Richard Moriarty, “Clinks”
Thomas O’Connell, “Take Me Out of the Ballgame”
Leslie Pietrzyk, “Anything You Want”
Susan M. Schultz, “My Sid Fernandez Story”
Claire Taylor, “A House of Cards”
Holly M. Wendt, “The Steadying Hand”
Jared Wyllys, “The Best Way Out”
Todd Johnson, “DJ Artis Leads Off 3B vs. Beloit” |
Graig Kreindler, “The Luckiest Man” and “Study of Peanut Johnson, 1954” |
Mark Mosley, “Nuke” and “Trout” |
Paul Plaine, “Safeco Field,” “Classic Wrigley ScoreBoard July 25, 1978,” and “Target Field Minnesota Sky” |
S. Preston, “CF Ivy” |
Ann Privateer, “Three Ladies with Cleveland Pennant” |
Danny Rockett, “Coming Back to Wrigley” |
Tim Souers, “Extinct and Endangered Species of Baseball” |
Jon Teegarden, “CJ Edwards, Chicago Cubs” |
Aaron Williams, “Buck on Baseball” |
ART | Brendan Lorber, featured artist
ART | Greg Fuchs, “Unguided Tour”
FICTION | Olena Jennings, excerpt from the novel Temporary Shelter
POETRY | Toni Bee, “Most, times, MaMa” and “On getting through it”
POETRY | CAConrad, excerpts from 72 Corona Transmutations
POETRY | Tongo Eisen-Martin, “The Chicago Prairie Fire,” “Lower-Class Artist Imagines,” and “Knees Next to Their Wallets”
POETRY | Frank Sherlock, “Who Will We Be Next”
REVIEWS | Stephen Paul Miller reviews Daniel Morris, Thomas Fink and Maya Mason, Lynn Crawford, and Fink, “Stretching Allegory in a Pandemic”